Holt Mcdougal the Prince and the Pauper Reading Strategies

one Tom Canty

Tom Canty was very poor. He and his family were paupers. There were a not bad many paupers in London in the year 1547. Sometimes the father of the family couldn't work, and they were paupers for that reason. Only Tom Canty'southward father didn't desire to piece of work. He and his wife and his female parent and his three children all lived in one room in an one-time house in the poorest part of London. The children had no beds; they slept on the flooring.

In that location were two girls, Bet and Nan, and one boy, Tom. Canty never did whatsoever work: every day he sent out his three children to beg for money in the streets. They had to stand up at the side of the road and say, "Delight requite a penny to a poor child!" If they didn't bring money to John Canty in the evening he vanquish them and gave them no food.
It was a very unhappy life for the children.

Begetter Andrew lived in the same firm. He had a little room at the back of the house. He was a very learned human. Tom went to sit with Father Andrew every day, and Father Andrew told him stories most kings and princes.
Tom said, "I want to be like a prince. I desire to speak nicely, as princes do; and I want to learn Latin, considering princes learn Latin." So Father Andrew taught Tom how to speak nicely and how to be like a prince, and he taught him Latin.

When Tom was with other boys he played at existence a prince. Sometimes the boys laughed at him and called him Prince Tom, just they liked him. They played by the river and went swimming in the water. Tom could swim very well.
The King of England at that time was King Henry the Eighth. He had ane son, Edward. Prince Edward would be king when his father died.

King Henry the Eighth lived in Westminster Palace in London.
Father Andrew said to Tom: "You should get to Westminster Palace and see a existent prince. Prince Edward is the king's son. He lives there, and perhaps one 24-hour interval you would see him."

2 How Tom and the Prince Changed Places

So Tom went to the gate of the palace and looked through it. At that place were two solders continuing there, one on each side of the gate. They wouldn't let Tom come close. He saw a great many tine gentlemen and ladies coming and going inside, but he did not see the prince. He went to the gate twenty-four hours after day. And so i day he saw a boy coming out of the door of the palace. The boy came quite near to the gate. Tom ran to the gate then as to see him better. "I desire to encounter the prince!" he cried.

One of the soldiers said: "Keep dorsum!" and he hit Tom. He hit him so hard that Tom fell down on the footing.
The prince saw this, and he was angry.
"Why did y'all hit the poor boy?" he said. "Open the gate, and bring him in."
"He'due south only a poor ragamuffin boy," said the soldier.
"The king, my father, is king of all the people, rich and poor," said Prince Edward. "Bring the boy in."

So the soldier opened the gate and brought Tom in.
"Come with me," said the prince. "Tell me who you are and why yon want to meet me so much. You lot take come to the gate mean solar day after day. I've seen yous from my window."
Then the prince led Tom to a room inside the palace. He called a retainer. "Bring food," he said.

So the servant brought food and put it on the table. Tom had never eaten such nice nutrient before.
"Now", said the prince, "tell me about yourself. What'southward your proper name? Where do you live?"
"I live with my father and female parent and grandmother and my two sisters in a room in Pudding Lane."

"In 1 room?" said the prince. "Do you all alive in i room?"
"Oh, yes." said Tom.
"In that location are hundreds of rooms in this palace. Why do yous all alive in one room?"
"We're very poor." said Tom. "My begetter sends me out to beg for coin. If I don't bring back enough money, he beats me."

"Your father beats yous!" cried the prince. "I shall send my soldiers to trounce him!"
"No, no!" said Tom, "That would make my female parent and my sisters unhappy."
"I have three sisters." said the prince. "Lady Elizabeth and Lady Jane and Lady Mary. Lady Elizabeth is very wise; Lady Jane reads books and is very kind. But I don't similar Lady Mary: she never laughs or plays with me. Do you play with other boys?"

"Yes, of course I exercise!"
"I don't. What do you lot play?"
"I play with a brawl, and I play past the river and I swim. And sometimes I play at being a prince."
"I would like to play at being a poor boy like you lot, and play by the river, and swim. Let's change clothes. Just for a niggling time you lot shall be the prince and I'll be the poor beggar boy. Come!"

The prince began to take off his fine clothes, and Tom took off his sometime dress and put on the clothes of the prince.
Tom looked at the prince as he stood there dressed in Tom's clothes. He had seen someone very like him before. Where had he seen him? The prince was very similar …
"Come and look here!" cried the prince. "Come and await at us in the glass!"

They were merely like each other. The prince looked just like Tom, now that he was dressed in the beggar boy'south clothes, and Tom looked just like the prince.
"Stay hither till I come back," said the prince. He rapidly took up a small-scale circular heavy thing from the table and put it in a safe place as he ran out of the door.
Tom stood there lone.

three How the Prince Came to Tom Canty's Dwelling house

The prince came to the gate of the palace.
"Ho!" he ordered, "open up the gate, you men! Rapidly!"
The soldiers opened the gates. Then, as Edward passed through, one of them hitting him on the head. "That's not the way to speak to one of the king's soldiers!"

The people continuing outside the gate laughed every bit Edward fell on the ground. He got upwards, and looked at the soldier.
"I am the prince! You shall be killed for that! And y'all, you fools, you laughed!"
The people laughed again, more before. Then 1 of them said: "Bow to the prince! Hats off to our prince! Brand mode for the prince!" And they laughed every bit he passed through them.
"He'due south mad," said one of the soldiers.
"Quite mad," said the other.

Edward went along the street. The people didn't follow him: they were afraid of mad people. Perhaps the boy might be dangerous, they thought.
He walked on and on. He did not know where he was: Prince Edward did non frequently become out into the streets of London. He was not wearing shoes: Tom Canty didn't have shoes, but his feet were hard. Prince Edward's feet were soon cutting past the stones and covered with blood, He was very tired and he needed nutrient.
"Oh. where tin can I find rest and food?" he cried. "Where can I find someone who will lead me dorsum to the palace?"

A fine gentleman passed past on a horse and Edward called out to him: "Sir! I am the prince. I inquire you to accept me dorsum to the palace." But the admirer did not hear what he said; he thought that he was only a ragamuffin boy asking for coin, and he rode on.
At concluding Edward came to a large building that he knew.
"Ah!" he cried. "That's Christ's Hospital. My father the male monarch gave that building every bit a school for poor boys. I can get help at that place." A lot of boys were play-tog in forepart of the building.

Edward called one of them: "Ho! Boy!" he said. "Go to your teacher and tell him to come here. Tell him that Prince Edward orders him to come up."
The male child laughed.
"Practise every bit yous are told!" Edward said, and lie hit the boy.

The boy chosen out to the others: "Here'southward a mad male child. His head's hot! Allow'south throw him into the water!"
3 or four of them took Edward and threw him into some dirty water and laughed every bit he climbed out on the other side.
Nighttime was coming on. "It'south late," thought Edward. "I must find some place where I can slumber tonight. Then I'll become back to the palace tomorrow. I must go to Tom's house and sleep there … Pudding Lane. That's where he lives."

He went on and on. The heaven was red with evening and lights began to shine in the windows of the houses. Then a heavy hand came out of the darkness and took Edward by the arm.
"What are you doing out so late at nighttime? … Hey? … Tom Canty, can't you reply your begetter? What coin accept you got for me?"
"Oh!" cried Edward. "Are you his begetter?"
"His father? — I'm your father!"

"No! No!" cried Edward. "I'm the prince. Your son is in Westminster Palace. Take me at that place and bring him home."
John Canty looked at the boy. "Mad!" he said. "Quite mad!"
He took the prince's arm and pulled him along. He was a very strong man. "Whether you're mad or not," he said, "you must come home with me, and you shall become out all day tomorrow and bring the money you should accept got today."

4 What Happened to Tom in the Palace

Tom was lone in the prince's room in Westminster Palace.
He stood in front of the big glass on the wall and looked at his beautiful clothes. And so he walked up and down, still thinking how beautiful he looked. He put his paw on the sword at his side and drew it out. He played at fighting some unseen person with information technology. Then he sat downwardly and thought: "What a story I'll have to tell my sisters when I get home!"

A bell sounded. One whole hour had passed: the prince was a long fourth dimension away. "When will he come dorsum?" Tom wondered.
He walked round the room looking at all the beautiful things in it — the finely-fabricated chairs and tables, and the pictures on the walls. In that location were pictures of kings and princes, of queens and princesses, all in beautiful clothes with jewels, looking downwardly on him with solemn eyes.
There was a suit of armour well-nigh the door. Tom stood and looked at it. Then he took one of the arm-pieces and put information technology on. Information technology was a small suit of armour and it was not also big for him. He took the other arm-piece.

A heavy circular thing vicious out of information technology. He put on the other pieces and looked at himself in the glass. Then he put everything back as he had institute it. He did non know what the round matter was, but he put it back within the arm-piece.
Another hour! Torn began to experience afraid. "Someone will come and discover me hither and say: "Who are you? What are you doing hither?" And the prince won't be here to tell them the truth and they won't believe what I say. What shall I practise? I must become out of hither!"

Then he thought: "Perchance there is no one in the adjacent room. If I walk speedily and people don't come across my face I may reach the gate, and the soldiers will allow me out."
So he opened the door. There were four gentlemen continuing outside, two on each side of the door. They bowed low.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" cried Tom and he ran back into the room and shut the door.

The gentlemen looked at each other.
"I think Prince Edward is ill," said one.
"Yes, perhaps he is," said another.
"We should ask one of his sisters to become to him," said the third.
"Lady Jane!" said the fourth. "I'll go to Lady Jane."

The door of the prince'due south room opened. Tom ran dorsum to the far end of the room. He saw a beautiful daughter standing at the door. Her face up was kind. He vicious on his knees. "What's the matter, my honey blood brother?" said Lady Jane. "Why are you lot on your knees?"
"Save me! Relieve me!" cried Tom. "I'm non your blood brother. I'm not the prince. I'k only a poor male child, Tom Canty of Pudding Lane."

She took his hand. "Come up," she said.
"Send for the prince and enquire him to give me dorsum my clothes!" cried Tom.
"Come," said Lady Jane. "Your begetter wants to see you."
"My father? Is John Canty hither?"
Only Lady Jane led him through one cracking room afterward some other.
I of the gentlemen had told the male monarch that Prince Edward was ill.

Tom was led into a very big room. There was a bed in it, and on the bed he saw a fat man with a white face. Rex Henry the 8th was very ill: he had not long to live.
"Come up, Edward, tell your father the king: what is the affair?"
"Are yous the rex?" said Tom.
"Yes, of class I'm the male monarch, and I'yard your male parent. What are you afraid of?"
"Sir, I am not your son! I'm not the prince. I'thousand poor Tom."

The king looked at him angrily. "Cease this foolishness? You lot are the prince, and if you say that you are not the prince, I shall be very angry. And practice y'all know what I do to people when I am aroused? Do you?"
"Yes, sir," said Tom.
"At present go! Let me hear no more of this foolish talk. Y'all've been reading as well many books and they have turned your head. … Lord Hertford go with the prince. He must residue before going to the city banquet this night. Many peachy men will be there to meet the prince who will be king when I am expressionless. Then come up dorsum."

Tom was led away to the prince's room. After a short time Lord Hertford came back to King Henry.
"My lord said the male monarch. "I know that I have not long to live: but the piece of work must be carried on. Orders must be given and constabulary's must be made fifty-fifty when I am also sick to write my name or put my seal on them to brand them a law. You must concur the Swell Seal and use it for me."
"Yes, Your Majesty. It shall be as yous say." said Lord Hertford. "Will you order that the Corking Seal should be put in my hands? You gave it to Prince Edward 2 days ago."
"Yeah! I did. Get and enquire the prince to give it to yous."

Lord Hertford went abroad and presently came back.
"Your Majesty," he said, "the prince doesn't know where it is."
"He doesn't know where it is? Did he say that?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"He tin can't recollect what he did with it!"
"No, Your Majesty."
"He'due south sick. That's the reason. That's why he can't think."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Let it wait," said the king. "He'll remember after, when he is well."

5 The Purple Clomp

There were long steps going downwardly from the Palace of Westminster to the river. The royal barge was a large boat in which the king travelled on the river. On each side of the steps soldiers stood waiting for their prince to come out.
The great doors at the top of the steps opened. An social club was given and the soldiers stood upwards very direct. Lord Hertford and other great gentlemen came out and stood on each side. And so they all bowed low as Tom was seen in the doorway. He was dressed in white. He stood there looking downwardly at the river where in happier days he had played and gone pond: just now he must be a prince. The king had ordered it. He walked slowly down the steps and got into the royal barge.

The royal barge moved out from the side. It moved downwardly the river to the Guildhall — a hall in the city where the banquet was to be.
In the Guildhall all the great and rich men of London sat waiting for their prince to come.

six Edward Escapes

John Canty was pulling Edward forth to his home in Pudding Lane. People followed laughing at the boy and his father.
"That's right!" cried an one-time woman. "Teach the boy to do as he is told!"
Every bit they came nigh the house an old man stepped out. "Allow him become!" he cried. "Let the boy become gratis."

John Canty striking the former homo on the head. He savage and lay at that place. The people passed over him every bit they followed John.
The old man all the same lay there: he was dead.
John Canty threw open the door of his room.
"There!" he said to his wife. "There's your son. He hasn't brought habitation one penny! And he's mad!"

Tom'southward mother ran to Edward. "Oh, my boy! My poor boy!"
The grandmother laughed. "Your poor boy! Poor useless boy! It's we who are poor."
"If you bring home no money, yous go no food," said John Canty, throwing Edward downwards on the flooring.

There was a voice outside the door. "John Canty! Quick! Open the door."
"What's the matter?" said Canty.
"I'thousand your friend Ned. You striking an old human being in the street, didn't you lot?"
"Yes," said Canty. "He tried to take my son away."
"It was Father Andrew – and he'due south dead. You killed him. You had better go out of here rapidly."
"Expressionless!" said John. And then he turned to his wife and mother. "This is bad! A lot of people saw me hit the one-time man. They'll tell the judge and I'll be put to death. We must go! Take the girls and meet me at London Span. I'll go by another route with the boy."

Canty took Edward by the arm and led him through little streets and dark ways until they came near the river. And then he saw a oversupply of people standing and looking out over the river. Some were sitting at tables and drinking. On the banks of the river he saw fires and coloured lights.
"What's all this?" Canty asked a homo. "What are you all waiting for?"
"We're waiting to see Prince Edward in the royal barge. He's going to a banquet at the Guildhall. Here, accept this, drink information technology and shout: 'God save Prince Edward!"'

Canty put out his hands to take the large pot of drink. So he let go of Edward's aim Edward quickly ran away between the men's legs.
Canty looked downward. "Where'southward the male child? Catch him!"
But Edward was lost in the darkness, "To the Guildhall!" he told himself as he ran along the riverside. "In that location I can find Tom and be myself once more."

vii At the Guildhall

All the richest and greatest men of the city of London sat at the long tables in the Guildhall. As Tom came into the hall everyone stood up. He took his place at the elevation table: they sat downwards.
The banquet began. Servants brought in rich foods and set them on the tables. There was a corking deal of talk and laughter. Singers came in and sang, and a company of dancers danced for them.

Edward at last reached the Guildhall. Soldiers were standing at the door, but he cried: "I am Prince Edward! Open the door and allow me pass!" The soldiers laughed at him.
"I ordered you to open the door," cried Edward. "Practise equally I order! At one time!"
"Don't be a fool," said one of the soldiers. "Stand back."

Just Edward went on shouting at the soldiers. The people in the crowd began to be angry.
"Send the boy away. He's mad." they said. "We want to see the prince come up out when the banquet is ended. Go away, male child! Go home!"
"I won't get! I tell you I am Prince Edward. I take no friends and no one to help me. but what I say is true."

The oversupply began to await dangerous, but Edward wouldn't move. Then a man stepped out and stood past Edward's side.
"I don't know whether you are the prince, or not; I don't intendance whether you are mad or not; merely y'all're a brave boy and I'll assist you."
The homo'southward name was Miles Hendon. He had simply come up back from the war and was on his way to his business firm in the country.

The oversupply moved nearer. In those days a London crowd could be very unsafe.
"Stand back!" cried Miles. The people were now very angry. Miles had to depict his sword. He hit a man with the side of it.
"Impale them!" cried avoice from the back of the crowd. Stones were thrown. A rock hit Edward and he vicious. Miles stood over him and fought to keep him safe from the anxiety of the angry crowd. But there seemed to exist little hope. They were then many, and Miles was only 1. Miles laughed as he fought.
"Who would have idea that I would live through seven years of war in France and so be killed past a crowd in London!"

At that place was the sound of horsemen, and a voice cried: "Way! Way for the king's First Lord!" The horsemen drove the oversupply away and their leader went into the Guildhall.
Lord Hertford walked upwards the hall to the place where Tom saturday. Then he went downwardly on his knees. "Sir, your male parent the king is dead." Then he stood up and cried out to the people: "King Henry is dead. Long live King Edward," and all the people in the hall shouted: "Long live our king!"
Miles didn't wait; he quickly led Edward away in the darkness.

8 At the Inn

Equally soon every bit they were safely abroad from the oversupply, Miles began to lead Edward to his inn near the river. Every bit they passed through the streets they heard the sound of shouting behind them. People came running by them. Then the words of the shouting were heard:
"Rex Henry is dead! Long live King Edward!"
Edward stopped.
"What's the thing?" asked Miles.
"So I am now the male monarch!"
"Prince or rex," said Miles, "information technology's withal to me. You're a dauntless male child and I'll accept care of you. Come up forth to my room near London Bridge and we'll get some food. Afterward that fighting I demand a good meal."

Miles had a room in an inn well-nigh the bridge. As they came nigh to the inn, Edward heard a phonation that he knew too well!
"So you have come at last," said John Canty. "I'll give you lot a skillful beating for keeping me waiting so long." He put out a hand to have Edward's arm.
Miles Hendon put Edward behind him and stood face to confront with Canty.

"Who are you?" he said, "and what is this boy to you?"
"He'due south my son."
"That'south not true!" cried Edward.
"Exercise yous desire to go to this man?" said Miles.
"No! No! No!" cried Edward. "He isn't my male parent. I'll die before I go to him."
"Then you shall not become to him," said Miles.
"But I say that he volition!" cried Canty, and put out his hand again.

Miles put his paw to his sword. "If you come any nearer I shall put this sword through your body! At present go! Permit me meet no moreofyou! Go!"
Canty moved away and was lost in the crowd.
Miles led Edward to a little inn, and went upward to a small room at the back. At that place was a bed, two chairs and a tabular array and a launder-place.

Edward threw himself downwardly on the bed.
"Call me when the meal is ready." he said.
Miles laughed. "Yeah, prince." he said. "Have a slumber and I'll order your servants to brand set a banquet."
He went down to the kitchen and brought food up to the room. He put the food down and set the two chairs at the side of the table.
"Your feast is gear up, prince." he said.
"I thanks."
"Come and so, and eat," said Miles.
"I must wash my hands start," said Edward.

He washed, and then sat downward at the table. Miles was just going to sit down, when Edward stopped him: "Await! Don't yous know that you must stand up until your king gives you lot the order to sit down? — Now you may sit."
Miles sabbatum downwards and they began to eat.
"Tell me who you are," said Edward.

"I'm Miles Hendon, and I used to live at Hendon Hall. I was going to marry Lady Edith. Only my younger brother, Arthur, told untrue stories to my begetter about me, and I was sent away to fight in the war. I've been out of England for 7 years, and I'chiliad afraid that my blood brother may not readily requite up my abode and my lands subsequently and so long a fourth dimension."
"I shall society your brother to give y'all dorsum your land, and as king I shall add more than to it," said Edward. "You accept served your king well. Give me your sword. Go downward on your knees … Rise, Sir Miles Hendon!"

Miles did as he was told. When he stood up again he laughed and said: "And then at present I am Sir Miles!"
"Yous are Sir Miles Hendon," said Edward. "I have made y'all one of my ain men."
When they had eaten, Edward fell asleep with his caput on the table. Miles took him up and put him on the bed.
"Poor boy!" he said. "He needs slumber. After a long sleep maybe he'll exist well once more and cease thinking he is a prince or king, but be himself once more." Miles slept on the flooring.

When forenoon came, Miles woke upward. He looked at the boy sleeping on the bed and saw how bad his wearing apparel were. The schoolboys had thrown Edward into the dirty water and the crowd at the Guildhall had nearly pulled them off his body.
"I must get and buy some apparel for my prince," he said, and went out.
One hour later Miles came back carrying the clothes that he had bought. He opened the door of his room and looked at the bed.

Edward was not there!
Miles ran down and asked the servant of the inn: "Where's the boy?"
"A beau named Hugo came to the inn and said: 'Tell the boy to meet Miles Hendon at Southwark Bridge' and the boy went."
"That man!" Miles thought. "That human being who said that the boy is his son! He sent the beau!"
Miles gathered his things together, paid the inn, and set out to find the male child.

nine In Westminster Palace

Tom was in bed in Westminster Palace. It was morning. Ii gentlemen stood by the side of the prince's bed.
"Your Majesty!" said the first gentleman.
"It is eight o'clock, Your Majesty," said the 2nd gentleman.

At commencement Tom thought that he was in the room in Pudding Lane and that his female parent was calling him to become up. And so he opened his optics and saw the ii gentlemen continuing by the side of his bed.
"Your Majesty."
"What?" said Tom.
"Does Your Majesty wish to rise?"
"Exercise you mean: 'Do I want to get upwardly?'"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Yes," said Tom. "I do. Bring my apparel."

One admirer brought Tom'southward underclothes into the room and gave them to a 2nd gentleman, and the second admirer gave them to a third gentleman and the 3rd gentleman helped Tom to become into his underclothes. So the showtime gentleman brought his shirt and gave information technology to the second gentleman and the second gentleman gave it to the tertiary gentleman and the third gentleman put the shirt on Tom. And this was washed with each thing.

Tom went into some other room to have his breakfast. One retainer brought the food into the room and gave it to a second servant, and the second servant gave it to a tertiary servant, and the tertiary retainer put it on the table.
A fourth servant and a fifth retainer just stood backside Tom's chair and did nothing.
Afterwards breakfast a gentleman came and said, "Lord Hertford wishes to speak with the king."

Then Lord Hertford asked if His Majesty was ready to go to the Council Bedchamber — a large room where meetings were held.
Tom saturday in a high chair covered with golden at the end of the room. Men came and bowed, and kissed his hand and read from long pieces of paper. This went on for hour after hour.
"When will this finish?" he thought. "I wish I could become and play ball or go for a swim in the river!"

At last Tom learnt that it was time for dinner. He went into another great hall. Information technology was near as big as the Guildhall and in that location were equally many servants. Tom idea that the dinner would never end!
"Later on this," he idea. "I can go and play or swim." But after dinner he had to go and write "Edward" on ane newspaper later on another. He didn't know what was written in the papers and he didn't care. He saw how the existent Edward had written his proper name and he made his writing simply the aforementioned.

In the evening there was another cracking dinner.
When at last Tom went to bed he said to himself: "The apparel are beautiful and it'south a cute house, and the nutrient is dainty, but I don't like being king. I wish I could go back to Pudding Lane and play with the other boys and swim in the river."

10 Thief! Thief!

Edward looked at the young human: he didn't like him. He was muddied and his eyes looked from side to side, never straight at Edward.
"Who sent you?"
"Miles Hendon."
"What is your name?"
"My name is Hugo."
"What did Sir Miles say?"
"He said. 'Tell the boy to come up to me.'"
"Tell!" Edward was surprised and rather aroused. "I am his king."
"He is wounded. He asks you to come and help him."
"Ah," said Edward. "And so I'll go. He is my true servant and I will assistance him."

The boyfriend led Edward out into the country. They went on, and on, and on.
"Where is Sir Miles?" said Edward.
"Not far from here," said the swain. "He's there in that wood."
They went into the woods. At that place was a hut in the forest, hidden amid the trees.

Hugo opened the door and Edward went in.
"Then you lot have come at last!" said John Canty. "You have come to aid your beloved father who is hiding here considering he killed a foolish old man."
"Where is Sir Miles?" said Edward. "Take me to him."
"I don't know where your friend is, merely you seemed to love him so much that I told Hugo to utilize his proper name. Now you'll go out with Hugo and go money and food for your dear father. You know how to beg, and Hugo will encounter that you don't run away."

Hugo led Edward out into the road on the other side of the woods.
"Stand hither!" he said. "I'grand your brother and I'm very ill. Shortly someone volition come along the road. I'll cry out in pain and you'll get to him, and say, 'My poor blood brother! He's ill and we haven't had any food. Assistance us.' … In that location! There's someone coming."
Hugo threw himself downward at the side of the road and began to weep out "Ah! Ah! Ah! I'chiliad dying!… Water! Aid!"

The human being came to him. "Poor boy," he said. "Allow me help you."
"Kind sir," said Hugo, "give my brother a penny to go and buy food."
"But y'all're ill! I tin can't go out you here in such pain. Your blood brother will assistance me to take you lot to a house."
He turned to Edward. "Come, male child, help me to acquit your brother to a house where he can be cared for."
"I'one thousand the male monarch," said Edward. "That isn't my brother: he's a beggar and a thief. And he isn't sick."

The man looked at Hugo. "Ha!" he said, "some other of those beggars! Yous shall come with me to the guess, and he'll take y'all browbeaten or put to death!"
Hugo jumped up and ran away amidst the trees and the man couldn't follow him.
Edward went on forth the road, very glad to be safely abroad from Hugo. "Now," he said, "I shall never see him or John Canty again." But simply then Hugo jumped out on him from the trees at the side of the road.
"So you wanted to accept me put to death!" said Hugo. "Don't yous know that beggars and thieves are put to decease? I'll remember this and teach you lot a lesson!"

Equally Hugo walked along by Edward's side he was thinking just what he could do to "teach Edward a lesson".
They came to a town. In that location were a great many people in the street buying and selling. A woman passed by, carrying a basket In the basket there was a fine fat hen ready for cooking. Hugo took up a heavy stone from the footing, and so he walked along behind the woman. He put the rock in her basket and took out the hen. So he ran quickly and put the hen in Edward's artillery. He shouted: "Thief! Thief!" and went off along the street.

The woman turned. She saw Edward holding her fat hen.
"There's the thief!" she cried. "Constable! Telephone call the constable!"
An aroused oversupply gathered circular Edward. "We won't wait for the constable," said a big man. "There are besides many thieves in this place. Allow's put an terminate to him ourselves."
Edward heard the audio of a horse. He looked upwards and saw Miles Hendon making his way through the crowd.
"Sir Miles!" he cried. "Sir Miles! Help me!"

Miles made his way through the crowd. "So I've institute you at last!" he said. "Now what's the matter?"
"That woman says that I stole her hen."
"He took it out of my basket, and at that place it is!"
"Ah," said Miles, "that's a squeamish fat bird: just what I ordered y'all to get for me. But you lot should take asked the woman if she would sell information technology."

Miles took the woman'south arm and led her to one side. "My servant is rather foolish," he said. "He'due south a mad boy who thinks that he's the king; so you won't exist unkind to him, volition you? I am sure he put the money in your handbasket," said Miles. "Allow me look in it." (Miles put his hand inside the basket. He had money fix in his hand.) "Aye! Hither it is. L pence. Yous mustn't say that a male child is a thief until you lot are sure."
"Here!" said the woman, "take the hen. I don't want the money."

Only Miles put the money in her basket.
"Come, boy!" he said, and took Edward up on to his horse, and rode away.
"How did you find me?" asked Edward.
"I met a human in an inn. He told me about two beggars. One of them said. 'I am the male monarch and that isn't my blood brother.' So I knew that i of them was you."
"Where are we going at present?"
"To Hendon Hall." said Miles.
"Y'all may have me with you; but after that I must become rapidly to be crowned in Westminster."

11 Hendon Hall

Miles and Edward spent the night in an inn and went on next day.
In the afternoon they went up a high hill and Miles stopped. He pointed to a large house among the trees. "There!" he said, "that'south my home! Have you ever seen such a big house? There are 50 rooms in information technology and nosotros had twenty servants. Think of that, male child — twenty servants!"
They rode downward the colina. "Run into, here'southward the church building where we went on Sundays. In that location's the inn. Nothing is inverse."

They passed through a large gate. "This is Hendon Hall," said Miles. "How glad I am to be dorsum again! How happy they will all be to see me!"
Miles jumped downwardly from the horse and helped Edward to go downward. And so he ran into the house.
A young man was sitting at a table.
"Arthur!" Miles cried. "Say that you are glad to come across me once more. Where'south my father? "

The young man looked up. "Who are you?" he said.
"I'm Miles Hendon, and y'all are my brother Arthur. I have simply come back from the war after seven years."
"My blood brother Miles was killed in boxing three years ago. I had a letter from France saying that he was expressionless."
"That isn't truthful! Call my begetter, Sir Robert! Where is my father? He'll know me."
"Sir Robert is dead."
"Phone call the servants — those who were here seven years ago. They'll know me."
"They are all new. None of those servants are here now."

"You sent them all away! I see it! Y'all fabricated ready for my home-coming. No ane must know me! No one must say, 'That's Miles Hendon.' Only Lady Edith will recollect me."
"Lady Edith knows that Miles Hendon is dead," said Arthur. "She saw the letter of the alphabet, and she will presently become my married woman."
"Y'all wrote the letter of the alphabet! Y'all told her that I was dead!"
Miles ran across the room at his brother: "You lot have stolen my abode! You take stolen my state; and now you lot want to steal Lady Edith, who was to exist my wife!"
He threw Arthur to the floor.
"Help! Help! Help!" shouted Arthur. The servants heard his cries and ran into the room. They carried Miles and Edward away to the prison house.

12 Prison

Miles and Edward were in prison.
"How long do you retrieve nosotros shall exist here?" asked Edward.
"Nosotros shall exist kept here in prison until the approximate comes. And so he will hear what Arthur has to say and he will give sentence.
"What judgement?" said Edward.
"Perchance he will retrieve that you lot and I are both mad and will order us to be beaten and sent away."
"Beat me? The king?" said Edward.

They heard a audio at the door. It opened and a man came in. He put some food down on the table. And then, equally he turned to become abroad, he looked at Miles's confront, and stopped.
"Basil!" cried Miles. "Basil! You lot used to work in the garden when my father was alive."
"Why! Yes!" said the man. "It's Mister Miles. No, information technology can't be, Mr Miles was killed in the war."
"He wasn't killed, Basil. My brother Arthur wrote a letter himself to say that I had been killed considering he wanted my land and Lady Edith. Now I have come dwelling house."

"Mister Miles, I'one thousand glad to run into you again. Your brother Arthur is a bad man. He sent all the onetime servants abroad. I'll toll everyone that you are dorsum over again."
"No! No!" said Miles, "You mustn't tell anyone that I'1000 here. If my brother thinks that anyone knows me, he'll send men to impale me when I exit of prison."
"Yes," said Basil. "He would do that."
"When I am set free from here," said Miles, "I shall go to London, where I have friends. Sir Humphrey Marlow is captain of the soldiers at Westminster Palace, and he was with me in French republic. He knows chat I wasn't killed in the war. And at that place are others. I'll become to them, and they'll become to the rex. The male monarch volition give me back my home and my land. Say nil, Basil, till I come here again."

Edward laughed. "The king!" he said. "Enquire him who is male monarch now."
"King Henry is dead," said Basil. "Men say that the immature Prince Edward is non crowned nonetheless, merely he will exist crowned presently, and he will exist our king."
"We must escape from this prison!" cried Edward. "I must get to London to be crowned."
The approximate heard Arthur'due south story.
"Who is this homo?" he asked.

"I don't know," answered Arthur. "How could I know? He is some thief or beggar, and lie'due south mad. He thinks that lie's my brother Miles, who was killed in battle 3 years ago; and I am told that this male child who is with him is quite mad: he thinks that lie is the rex."
"Let the human be put in the stocks and let the boy exist beaten then that he may learn to detect better friends."
"No! sir," cried Miles. "The boy is very young and he isn't strong: he's sick. Let me take the chirapsia!"
"Information technology shall be every bit you lot ask," said the approximate.

And then Miles was beaten, and then put in the stocks. People came to look at him and throw things at him, but Edward stood in front. "Go on back!" he cried. "This is my friend. I order you to keep dorsum!"
The people laughed. "He'southward a brave boy," they said, "and he loves his friend." They threw a few things at Miles — some bad eggs and old fruit — only not very much.
So Miles sat in the stocks all day. In the evening Basil came and brought them nutrient and Miles was set up gratuitous.
And so Miles and Edward fix out to go to London.

13 The Male monarch is Crowned

When Miles and Edward reached London they constitute the streets full of people. Flags were hanging from all the buildings.
They went to an inn and had a meal. When information technology was finished, Edward said: "Bring me a pen and newspaper. I want to write a letter."
"Who will you lot write to?" asked Miles, laughing. "To the rex? He won't read letters today! He's going to be crowned today."

Edward sat thinking with the pen and paper in front of him. "What can I write which will make the neat lords believe me? What exercise I know that Tom tin't know — something that no other person in the world knows? … Yes; in that location is one thing!"
He wrote a few words. "At present," he said, "let'due south get to Westminster."
Miles and Edward came to the gate of Westminster Palace. All the great lords and ladies of the country were gathering together in Westminster Abbey — the church in which all the kings and queens of England are crowned. In the Palace of Westminster, Tom was gear up to put on the fine clothes in which he would go to Westminster to be crowned. With him were Lord Hertford and Lord Somerset and the rulers of the land. At the door stood Sir Humphrey Marlow waiting to give the order to the soldiers who were to march with the prince to the abbey.

There was a noise at the gate, shouting and sounds of fighting. Sir Humphrey turned to one of his men: "Go and see what is happening."
In a brusque time the human being came dorsum. "There's a human there — and a boy with him. The man says that he is Miles Hendon, and the male child says that he has a alphabetic character for the king.
I think he's mad. He says that he is the rex!"
"Miles Hendon!" said Sir Humphrey. "He'due south a brave man and a good soldier. What is he doing in a fight at the palace gates?"

Tom stepped forrad "Did you say a male child? — with a alphabetic character?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Bring them hither."
"But. Your Majesty —" said Sir Humphrey.
"I order it! Bring them at once!"
Then Miles and Edward were led into the room where Tom and all the great men were gathered.

Every bit Edward came in through the door, Tom ran and threw himself down on his knees.
"Your Majesty!" he cried. "You accept come up just in fourth dimension!"
"The madness has come on him again," said Lord Hertford. "What shall we do?"
Edward had raised Tom upwardly, and they stood adjacent.
"Take hold of that boy!" cried Sir Humphrey, pointing to Edward. And so he turned to Miles.
"Miles, what are yous doing here?"

"Terminate!" cried Lord Hertford. "Wait at those 2 faces. They are so like each other, I could nearly believe … I don't know what to call up. Perhaps our prince here was non mad: perhaps he is not the real prince."
"Is at that place any question that nosotros could ask the boy which would help us? " said Lord Somerset.
Lord Hertford turned to Edward and asked him question after question – about King Henry, about Edward's mother, about the palace and those who worked in it. Edward answered all the questions.
"But," said Lord Somerset, "he might know all those things simply not exist the real prince."
"What is in that letter?" said Tom.

Lord Hertford took the newspaper and read:
Prince-and-Pauper-(OCR)-16 He turned to Tom. "I asked y'all. Your Majesty, many days ago, simply you didn't tell me."
"I don't know what the Great Seal is, and I don't know where it is," said Tom.
"Look inside the arm-piece of the adjust of armour in my room," said Edward, "and you lot'll find information technology."
"Oh that" cried Tom. "That circular heavy thing! I —"
"What did you do with it?" cried Tord Hertford. "Tell me!"
"I used it to crack basics."
"He used it to crack basics!" The great lords and rulers of the land laughed and laughed.

xiv The Terminate

Then the real Edward was crowned king and he was a very practiced rex considering he had been amidst the people and he had learnt how they lived and what they needed. Tom lived in the palace and was the male monarch's best friend.
Sir Miles got his abode and his land again and married Tady Edith. King Edward oft went and visited him at Hendon Hall, where Basil was working as head gardener.

John Canty was never seen once again, just Tom gave his mother and his ii sisters a very nice house in the state.
King Edward did not live very long. When he died, Tom went and lived with his female parent and sisters, and he wrote this story telling how Tom, the pauper, was for a few days King of England.


Source: https://megaen.ru/the-prince-and-the-pauper-by-mark-twain/

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