Melty Blood Actress Again Ost Troublesome Visitor

����: xiii ��� five �������

���������: 1128

�e����a� · 25-���-09 14:52 (12 ��� 8 ������� �����, ���. 25-���-09 eighteen:20)

Melty Blood Actress Again for Limited Edition Original Audio Track
����: Soundtrack/Game
��� ������� �����: 2009
������������� �����: Japan
����� �����: MP3
��� ����: tracks
������� �����: 192kbps
�����������������: three hours 33 minutes six seconds
Disc 1
01 - Blood Drain
02 - Actor's Foyer
03 - Curtain Ascent
04 - Encount
05 - Elegant Summer
06 - Troublesome Visitor
07 - Fearless
08 - Noble Mind
09 - Stillness Night
10 - for Crimson Air
11 - Midnight Raider
12 - PE-RI-CA
13 - The theme of Arcueid
fourteen - Assistance Me!
fifteen - The terminate of 1000 years
16 - Stray true cat
17 - Lurk
18 - Beat from Melty Blood
nineteen - Fairy Tale transparently
20 - Wonderfull boy
21 - Basillica
22 - Tatakae! Bokura no Mech Hisui!
23 - GCV2005
24 - Severe person
25 - Tenseness
26 - Blood heat!
27 - Obscure Zone
28 - Modernism Street
29 - Maze Walker
30 - Silent Rumble
31 - GCV2007-Another Episode-
32 - GCV2008-The Film-
33 - Earth End Roar
34 - Need Speed
35 - Truth from Melty Blood
36 - Raven's Nest
37 - Night Labyrinth
38 - Foreign Dreamer
39 - Dimension Theory
Disc 2
02 - Rhythmical Bustle
03 - Primitive
04 - Gigantic Power
05 - Good Morning 1 Scene
06 - Uncommon Sense
07 - Tsukimori no Toki ni
08 - Nightmare Teller
09 - GCV2009-For the Time to come-
x - WABI-SABI BrandnewEveryday
xi - Concrete Style
12 - G Aitsu-ver 2009-
13 - Kara no Kyoukai
fourteen - O-sutra Hit
xv - Showtime!
sixteen - Very Slow Life
17 - Recollection
xviii - Unprecendented
19 - Appetite
xx - Recalculation Interrupted Now
21 - Mortify
22 - Interruption Downward
23 - Across
24 - Vain Surface
25 - Cinch!
26 - Bad Bailiwick
27 - Again with you
28 - Everlasting Destiny
29 - Seijaku no Forutishimo
thirty - Wandering in Torture


VIP (�����������)

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Spybionic · 25-���-09 18:02 (������ 3 ����)

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����: xiii ���

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BluesDriveMonster · 31-���-09 00:28 (������ 5 ����, ���. 31-���-09 00:28)

  • [����������]

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�eastward����a� · 31-���-09 17:28 (������ 17 �����)

  • [����������]

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crimson reddish vermillion

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cerise crimson vermillion · 13-���-09 22:48 (������ 2 ������ 13 ����)

  • [����������]

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hoshitsune · 31-���-ten 09:04 (������ 2 ������ 17 ����)

  • [����������]

blood-red crimson vermillion ������ �� �����, PC ����� ��������.


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NobunagaOda07 · 02-���-ten 11:48 (������ 2 ������ 2 ���)

  • [����������]

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galsn2009 · 16-���-ten 23:22 (������ two ������ 14 ����)

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LeeworIlya · 21-���-xiv 09:32 (������ 3 ���� 11 �������)

  • [����������]

����� ���. ���������� Raito.


����: xiii ��� 7 �������

���������: 2244

#silence# · 10-���-15 16:10 (������ i ��� ii ������, ���. 10-���-fifteen 16:14)

  • [����������]

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#silence# · 29-���-20 14:40 (������ iv ���� 10 �������)

  • [����������]

��� ������� ��������� � MP3 �� ������?
� �� 192kbps - ��� ���-�� ����������.


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